

All Donations are 100% Tax Deductible!
Note: Many people who donate their money to non-profit organizations are worried that the organization may be taking a large portion of the donation leaving those in need seeing only a small amount of your contribution. HOWEVER, Global Law Brigades at UCI ensures that 100% of your donation is directly used for our efforts in Panamanian communities without extracting any your generous contribution(s).

Donations to
Global Brigades Inc is a U.S. registered non-profit with 501(c)3 status; all contributions you make to Global Law Brigades @ UCI are tax deductible. All contributions made to GLB @ UCI are strictly used for its own operation and project development.

The GLB @ UCI committee will send you your tax benefit information upon receipt of your gift. Tax benefit information will be sent via mail if contribution is made in the form of a check, otherwise the tax benefit information will be made available immediately upon contribution online via our fundraising website if contribution is made by credit card. For credit card donations please visit the following page and follow the six easy steps:

Go to
Search under groups for UC Irvine and then find UC Irvine Law Brigades
Click Donate
Click "Make General Donation"
Enter amount of Donation
Then Click Donate!